
Providing training in lifesaving skills, assisting, lending, connecting families facing challenges in community people affected by disasters AWET’s livelihoods programs target children who are uniquely vulnerable to abuse such as those living without parental care. Children subjected to violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect are at risk of poor physical and mental health and in some instance death.

AWET believes that when women and children are empowered with skills and knowledge they thrive and take good care of their families since women form a greater part of a child’s primary socialization.

How we work

We work with apostolic communities as well as government officials and other humanitarian organisations to promote the rights of apostolic women.  We also engage other community leaders such as traditional chiefs and church leaders to get our message across.  In mos cases we try to have a community friven approach as that has consistently proven to work.

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    Apostolic Women Empowerment Trust (AWET) is an Inter-Faith based, non-governmental organization that is mandated to advance the rights of Adolescents and women issues and mainstreaming of gender in Apostolic Church activities.