Generally, in Zimbabwe girls start school a bit earlier than boys. However, after the age of 14 years, more girls drop out of school compared to boys. Before the age of 16, there was a slight difference among non–school attendance by sex. However, the slight difference could be attributed to early marriage (4% of girls working outside the home to support families among many other reasons) Apostolic Churches.
The Apostolic Sect, Traditional and No Religion had the worst educational outcomes in terms of education (Early childhood education, NAR Secondary, and Literacy among young women) Traditional headed households had the least NAR Secondary (38%).
AWET is advocating for the affordability of education so that all Apostolic children can access quality education.
How we work
We work with apostolic communities as well as government officials and other humanitarian organisations to promote the rights of apostolic women. We also engage other community leaders such as traditional chiefs and church leaders to get our message across. In most cases we try to have a community friven approach as that has consistently proven to work.
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